Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When do you have worship?
    We meet in person weekly for church services at 10:00 a.m. on Sundays. You can also find weekly services posted on the FCC YouTube channel. For our other events, see our Weekly Schedule page.

  2. How can I find you?
    You can find us at 900 Lincolnshire Place in Coralville, Iowa. See our Find Us page for detailed directions.

  3. What demonination are you?
    Because of our history as an interdenominational faith who practice unity and inclusion, we often refer to ourselves as a "movement." Thus we are members of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) movement of the US and Canada. For more on this, see our national organization website:

  4. What's a typical worship service like?
    If you have never been to FCC before, and even if you have never been to a church service before, you will find a description of what a typical service is like on our site.

  5. What should I wear?
    Come as you are! You will find people attend in a range of clothing styles, from shorts and jeans to skirts and suits.

  6. What about kids?
    We invite all ages of people to worship together. Worship incorporates a children's moment and we encourage children to engage in all parts of the service from following along with the words to songs, prayer, sharing joys and concerns and participating in communion. Worship materials are provided in the santuary to keep their fingers busy and to help them participate in worship. You may see children and youth participating as worship leaders, as all are invited to participate and lead worship! We also offer nursery care for infants through age 5. Families are invited to use this option for their young children if it is right for their family. The nursery is located in a lower level classroom and is staffed with loving providers who are experienced in child care.

  7. Why should I go to church?
    Most people who attend worship regularly find that attendance provides an opportunity to center themselves through ritual, music, and words in a spiritual state that opens them up to a better connection with God. People also make friends and get support from other members through difficult times. Churches offer opportunities for spiritual growth and to participate in activities that help others. Many parents believe that a church creates a loving and accepting community in which to raise children.